April 19, 2023
Now Offering Compounded Tirzepatide at Home!

Are you looking for a simple and convenient way to lose weight? Look no further than compounded tirzepatide! With this amazing medication, you can take control of your health and improve your quality of life.
One of the great things about compounded tirzepatide is that it can be mailed directly to your home. We'll send a prescription to our compounding pharmacy, and you'll receive the medication right at your doorstep. You can then take weekly shots at home by yourself, using the supplies we provide, including syringes and alcohol pads.
Don't worry if you're new to giving yourself shots - it's actually quite simple! We'll show you how to do it, or if you prefer, you can come back to Cordova Weight Loss and we'll administer the shot for you. With our help, you'll be a pro in no time.

Compounded Tirzepatide is a weekly injectable medication in a group of drugs called GLP-1 receptor agonists (or GLP-1 mimickers). In addition to it's effects on blood sugar and insulin levels, Tirzepatide provided substantial and sustained weight loss (around 20% weight reduction in 72 weeks).

How much does it cost?
The price depends on the size of vial you order. A small vial (2.0ml) costs $600 and contains 33.2 total mg of tirzepatide. A large vial (4.5ml) costs $1200 and contains 74.7 total mg of tirzepatide. We'll provide you with a dosing chart so you can determine exactly how many units you need to draw up out of your vial to get the correct dose.

What is the dosing?
One of the great things about compounded tirzepatide is that there is flexibility in dosing. You may do well with a 5.0mg dose continuously, and if that's the case, your 4.5 vial will last 15 weeks instead of 10 weeks. Some people do very well on just a 2.5mg dose, which would last even longer. However, it's important not to go up on your dosage if you experience significant GI symptoms such as reflux, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, or abdominal pain. Our Nurse Practitioner is always available to discuss dosing and treatment by phone if you need help.

Remember that these vials must be refrigerated, and should not be shared with anyone. Patients must be medically screened before taking tirzepatide, and it's important not to escalate your dose any faster than it's prescribed. It takes a few weeks for blood levels of tirzepatide to rise, so it's recommended to remain at each individual dose level for 4 weeks (4 shots) before escalating.
If a lower dosage is working well for you, you can remain at that level beyond 4 weeks. And don't forget to rotate the site of injection every week, and dispose of your needles in a hard plastic container with a lid.
There is a 3-week delay in getting your order, but don't worry - you can continue getting weekly injections with us until your vial arrives, or purchase a few shots to take home with you to hold you over. The cost of individual injections depends on your dose. (The 2.5mg is $75 per shot, 5.0mg is $100 per shot, and 7.5mg is $125 per shot.)

Placing an order is easy! Simply come to Cordova Weight Loss (1660 Bonnie Ln. Suite 105 Cordova, TN 38016, 901-888-1000) and request to be evaluated by a Nurse Practitioner for compounded tirzepatide. Let us know you are interested in having the vial sent to your home and we will provide you with an order form to complete and give to the Nurse Practitioner.
You will be checked in by a medical assistant and then evaluated by the Nurse Practitioner(NP) to see if you are eligible for Tirzepatide. If eligible, the NP will explain the medication, answer your questions, and show you how to draw up and give yourself a shot. That's it!
Once your order is placed with the compounding pharmacy, it will take 3 weeks to arrive at your doorstep. We will send you home with all the supplies you will need.

With compounded tirzepatide, you have the power to take control of your weight and improve your health. So why wait? Contact Cordova Weight Loss today to get started!